SNL Offers the Pope a Retirement Plan
Saturday Night Live doesn't often tackle religion, but when it rains, it pours! You may have already seen the instantly viral 'Djesus Uncrossed,' but have you seen the fake advertisement for a service that assists Popes with their retirement plans? It manages to combine relevant comedy with a spot-on commercial parody, effectively killing two SNL birds with one stone. Check it out below.
The real beauty of the video is how perfectly it captures the tone and style of retirement planning just features Christoph Waltz as Pope Benedict instead of a more typical senior citizen. Post-retirement, Benedict finds himself overwhelmed with bills and doesn't have any kind of plan. Thankfully, Papal Securities is here to help! After all, they've been helping Popes since the last once 1415. Soon enough, Benedict has his finances in order and is free to enjoy cooking, bicycling and rocking out with his band. You know, average old person stuff.
Check out the video for yourself below!