Someone Is Putting Zip Ties on Jaws of Montana Walleyes
Knock it off! That is the message Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is trying to convey to the individual responsible for putting plastic zip ties on the jaws of Missouri River walleyes.
FWP game wardens became aware of this issue a year ago when they found two walleyes with zip ties on their jaws.
This year FWP biologists found more walleyes with zip ties in their mouth. The fish were found in the Wolf Creek Bridge to Craig section of the Missouri.
“We don’t put jaw tags in fish anymore because it causes damage,” said Jason Mullen, FWP biologist.
“Whoever is doing it should stop,” he said. “It confuses the public, making people think FWP is putting the plastic jaw tags out. We are not. But some anglers might catch and keep a fish they normally wouldn’t, because they think we want the information or there is a reward or something.”
Montana FWP contributed to this report.
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