It happened around 10:10 a.m. on May 26. His third Summit, and first without support oxygen for our very own Bozeman Bad Ass- Conrad Anker- North Face Global Team Athlete. He was the leader of the Montana State University's Everest Education Expedition and led them to success with some wise decisions and guidance. Originally, he wasn't going to take to the summit, choosing to stay back and support the team via base camp with his son Max Lowe and Travis Corthouts. He saw a window on Saturday and took it. The team of Mark Jenkins, MSU alum Kris Erickson and fellow North Face athletes Hilaree O’Neill, Sam Elias and Emily Harrington all made it to the top of the world on Friday, May 25th. The seventh member of the team, MSU geologist Dave Lageson returned home early due to health reasons. The good news is he could follow along as did over 1000+ students from around the state and the nation via the National Geographic web site. ( Max Lowe worked the Nat Geo Blog) The Moose sends it's congratulations to the climbers, support teams, Sherpas,  MSU and all of those involved. Way to kick some Ass! Now get your butts HOME! To read more about the Expedition, the twists and turns- click here to link to National Geographic's 'dispatches from the top of the world.'

Love these people for their chutzpah, strength and power.



Here is the playlist for this week. Enjoy, L.

Make it a great week until next Sunday 9am-noon. You-Me and the Moose and the Sunday Brunch.

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