Ending years of speculation, Anderson Cooper announced this morning that, yes, he is gay. Read on for his official comment and why he decided now was the right time to publicly come out of the closet.
CNN reporter Anderson Cooper’s new daytime talk show hasn’t even been on the air for a month — and it’s already under fire.
While prepping for an episode about the workings of the adolescent mind, ‘Anderson’ producers allegedly asked a teenaged guest who was to appear on the show to “film the crazy stuff you do.” The kid then taped himself doing a skateboard stunt during which he fell and suffered
During the “Ridiculist” segment on Wednesday night’s ‘AC360,’ CNN’s Anderson Cooper delivered a silly, pun-laden soliloquy about French actor Gérard Depardieu urinating in the cabin of a plane.
About mid-way through, right after he delivered a line about how the cleaning crew “should thank their lucky stars this wasn’t Depard-two,” Cooper gets tickled at his own monologue — and that’s when it happ