
Win a $25 Gift Card
Win a $25 Gift Card
Win a $25 Gift Card
We've been talking about MSTY (pronounced "misty") but have you tried it? Send The MOOSE Crew a Thanksgiving MSTY and you could win a $25 gift card!
Send The MOOSE a MSTY and Win a $25 Gift Card
Send The MOOSE a MSTY and Win a $25 Gift Card
Send The MOOSE a MSTY and Win a $25 Gift Card
You've heard us talking about MSTY (pronounced "misty") on the air for a few weeks now. Have you tried it? With Halloween upon us this week, send The MOOSE Crew a MSTY and you could win a $25 gift card!
New Smartphone App Predicts Penis Size
New Smartphone App Predicts Penis Size
New Smartphone App Predicts Penis Size
This recently developed app claims it can predict the size of a man’s erection with nearly the same accuracy as a crooked bookie in a horserace. Dr. Chris Culligan says his Predicktor app is a fun and interactive way to help all of those guys walking around with “little pecker syndrome”  to see that they really aren’t packing that much less than the common man.
Glympse – My New Favorite App That Let’s You ‘Share Your Where’
Glympse – My New Favorite App That Let’s You ‘Share Your Where’
Glympse – My New Favorite App That Let’s You ‘Share Your Where’
If you're anything like me, you constantly forget to tell people where you will be and what time you will be there. Or even better, you're  like me and you run late to nearly every engagement in your daily planner. With Glympse you can share your destination and your current location with anyone you wish to see it.
CLOO iPhone App Lets You Share Your Bathroom With Strangers [VIDEO]
CLOO iPhone App Lets You Share Your Bathroom With Strangers [VIDEO]
CLOO iPhone App Lets You Share Your Bathroom With Strangers [VIDEO]
One of our favorite niche smartphone apps is RunPee, which tells you the best time during a particular movie to excuse yourself to do something about that gallon-sized Diet Coke you drank when you first sat down. But what if the theater bathroom has a long line or looks like it hasn’t been cleaned since the Eisenhower administration? What if you’re running errands and there’s nary a Starbucks loo