
Bozeman Brewing Co [WATCH]
Bozeman Brewing Co [WATCH]
Bozeman Brewing Co [WATCH]
We've been drinking Bozeman Brewing Company beer for years and even WE learned a few things about this beloved local product. (If you're new to town, their tasting room is on North Broadway...check it out.)
Best Beer Cities
Best Beer Cities
Best Beer Cities
theCHIVE just released an article titled "The 10 Best Cities For Beer Drinkers Might Surprise You." Two cities in Montana made the list, not surprising to us, considering they looked at total number of microbreweries and brewpubs per 100,000 residents...and because Montana-made beer is awesome!
2015 Beer Fest in West is Saturday, October 17
2015 Beer Fest in West is Saturday, October 17
2015 Beer Fest in West is Saturday, October 17
The 5th annual Beer Fest In West is happening on Saturday, October 17 in West Yellowstone. Enjoy unlimited samples from some of the best regional and national brewers, Oktoberfest foods, and great music. This fun event also aims to help the Gallatin Valley Food Bank. Any and all donations are welcome, and will be accepted on-site.
2015 O’ktoberfest Run is Saturday, September 26
2015 O’ktoberfest Run is Saturday, September 26
2015 O’ktoberfest Run is Saturday, September 26
Pub 317 and Bozeman Running Co. are excited to present the annual Oktoberfest Run and After Party on Saturday, Sept. 26. This race features one distance, an 8k (5 miles). The finish will include a live band, dancing and beer. First beer will be free (for participants that are of age). Register here.
Montana Tap App
Montana Tap App
Montana Tap App
Pint Pass brings a unique flare to the craft beer culture in Bozeman. The app and website are free. They display what is on tap in over 40 craft beer locations in and around Montana and directions to the nearest breweries.

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