If you're looking for some fun events happening in and around Bozeman this week, you're not short of options. There are tons of great things to do with friends or with the kids.
The best time to be in Montana is during the Fall, because high tourist season is done, the kids are back in school, and the weather can remain incredibly nice long after the official start of Autumn. Montana holds some of the coolest events across the state in the Fall, and they're worth a mini-vacation.
There are lots of fun, interesting things to do this week around the Bozeman area. If you want to be social and really engage with other people, not just "go out", these events might help fill your social calendar.
Meeting new people in the Bozeman area can be hard, especially if you're not in college and going to parties. However, there are lots of events around the valley this weekend that are great opportunities to meet new friends. Practice that smile of yours and check out your options.
There are HEAPS of cool things going on around the Bozeman area before the 4th of July even shows up. Parties, BBQs, family friendly stuff, many FREE events - it's shaping up to be a packed week of social options and we've put together a list of some of your best options.
Everybody knows it can be hard to meet new people in the Bozeman area. Seems weird but it has always been true. People have busy schedules and they stick to their routines. If you're looking to be social and perhaps meet some new friends, try these 5 events in the Bozeman area this week.
Where can we play trivia this week in the Bozeman area? Smarty pants have several trivia options, so get your smartest crew together and let's have some intelligent fun.
Choices, choices. In addition to a popular sports event on Sunday, there are tons of fun things to do around Bozeman this weekend. Lots of good family-friendly options too.
If drinking alcohol isn't a part of your social life, the Bozeman area has your back. The first full week of the 2023 Lunar New Year offers lots of fun events that DO NOT involve a bar or a big focus on drinking.
Halloween Bingo? Costumed dogs? Trick or treating. Spooktaculars. There is NO shortage of fun Halloween and Fall themed events this year in southwest Montana. Your schedule can be as packed as you want, just take a look.