Montana's filled with millions of acres and lots of terrains. It's also home to a vast majority of wild game, so it's no surprise that Montana ranks 3rd in this
It's Homecoming Week at Montana State University so there's a lot of events going on this week leading up to the Homecoming Game on Saturday against Idaho at 2 p.m.
You've got one of these boards on your kitchen table too, right? I have neither the time nor the patience for Safeway's Monopoly game but apparently my subconscious can't resist. Montana HAS HAD some big winners so far, BTW.
There aren't too many thrills as viscerally funny and satisfying as the giant stomping foot that's graced so many Monty Python productions. From their groundbreaking TV show in the early '70s to their great movies at the end of the decade, the huge animated foot has been a constant presence.