Sizeable Improvement: Montana’s Snowpack In A Better Place
Sizeable Improvement: Montana’s Snowpack In A Better Place
Sizeable Improvement: Montana’s Snowpack In A Better Place
Montana's snowfall levels were off to a very slow start this winter, and remained well below average for months. However, a few recent heavy storms have dumped significant amounts of snow across most of Montana's western half, improving the water situation.
Latest Montana Storm Full Of Prize Snow: 8″ More Likely
Latest Montana Storm Full Of Prize Snow: 8″ More Likely
Latest Montana Storm Full Of Prize Snow: 8″ More Likely
Lots of mountain snow is falling in Montana, which is great news. Montana is still very far behind normal average snowpack levels and drought concerns are still big. Towns and valleys can expect some snow, but high elevations across Montana are expecting 4" to 8" of fresh snow, with up to a foot in some locations.