This stretch of 287 is a real pain right now, and apparently will continue to be a two-lane gravel road through October. Joy.

In my humble opinion, it's worth it (if you're headed to or from Helena) to go through Boulder instead. You'll have your sanity when you arrive. Otherwise, be patient and expect a pretty messy ride.

  • Milling, grading, and pipe installation will continue through the summer.
  • US 287 between Three Forks and Toston
  • Traffic will be driving on a gravel surface for the length of the summer.
  • The length of the gravel surface will increase as the project progresses.
  • EXPECT: Delays between 15 and 45 minutes
  • Reduced speeds of 35 MPH
  • Gravel Surface; single lane traffic
  • Traffic Control by Signal Lights and Flaggers
  • Motorcycles consider an alternate route.
Three Forks to Toston - Google Maps

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