World Famous Grizzly Featured in New Video With Her Cubs
Grizzly bear 399 has garnered much attention throughout her life. Earlier this year, 399 gave birth to twin cubs at the age of 21.
She is known as the most famous living mother of her kind.
Born in 1996, 399 has been part of a wave of bear recolonization pushing out from nearby Yellowstone National Park into wildlands where grizzlies had been largely eradicated for half a century.
In her two decades of life, 399 has given birth to three sets of triplets, one set of fraternal twins, and two single cubs. Her daughter, identified as 610 by researchers, has also raised four cubs of her own; 17 total cubs descended from 399: 18 total bears if you count her.
The video below shows 399 and her cubs searching for food before they head into their winter den.