Zach Galifianakis Saved an Elderly Woman From Homelessness
Turns out, Zach Galifianakis isn't just a great comedic actor, he's also one heck of a nice guy. After learning that an elderly woman he's known for years had become homeless, he generously found her a small apartment and started paying her rent. Aww!
Galifianakis met 87-year-old laundry worker Elizabeth "Mimi" Haist almost 20 years ago and the two struck up a close friendship. When the actor discovered that Haist was homeless two years ago, he found her a one-bedroom apartment and decided to take care of rent and utilities.
What's more, Galifianakis plans to take Haist to the premiere of 'The Hangover Part III' in L.A. “I’m looking forward to it. I like the excitement of it,” she said. This isn't the first premiere the two have attended, by the way. They were arm-in-arm at the premieres of 'The Hangover Part II' and 'The Campaign' as well.
Haist said she loves the glitz and glamour of the events. “If [Galifianakis] in town, he takes me. Otherwise he lets me take a friend. I dress up nice and a friend helps me with my makeup. It’s fun, not something I’ve ever dreamed I’d experience. The limo takes me home afterwards,” she said.
The two first met in 1994 after Galifianakis relocated to L.A. hoping to start his acting career. He moved into an apartment around the corner from Fox Laundry, where Haist volunteered at and lived off tips.
Galifianakis was a regular at the laundromat until the success of the first 'Hangover' movie, then he stopped coming by. “Maybe he has his own washer and dryer now,” said Haist.
Check out another photo of Haist getting ready for her big night and an interview she gave at the laundromat below.