13 New COVID-19 Cases in Gallatin County
As of Noon on Wednesday, September 2nd, there are 13 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Gallatin County.
- As of Wednesday, Sept. 2, 2020, at 12 p.m. Gallatin County has 13 new confirmed cases of COVID-19
- This makes for a cumulative total of 1,107 cases in Gallatin County.
- There are 39 confirmed active cases and one current hospitalization.
- There have been a total of 1,065 people recovered in Gallatin County.
- Three people have died from COVID-19 complications in Gallatin County
- One case previously assigned to Gallatin County was reassigned to another area.
- There have been a total of 109 deaths in the State of Montana so far
- There are currently just shy of 2,000 active COVID-19 cases in Montana
- Nearly 5,600 cases are considered "recovered" across the state
- There are currently 150 hospitalizations across the entire state
- Over 253,000 tests have been done across the entire State of Montana
What does a "recovered case" mean? A recovered case means that a person who tested positive for COVID-19 has been released from isolation. People who are counted as "recovered" may still feel the effects of COVID-19 long after they are "released" from quarantine.
You can check the Gallatin City County Health Department dashboard at anytime for a full rundown of numbers regarding COVID-19 in our area.
There is also a GCCHD Call Center: COVID-19 CALL CENTER, 8 AM to 5 PM, 7 days a week. Call (406) 548-0123.
There is also a State of Montana dashboard that will show numbers and a full county-by-county map of active cases.
For even further information (statewide) you can check the Montana Situation Update HERE at any time.