Danny Gallagher
Chinese Card Thrower Wants to Break World Record for Cucumber Slicing
This isn’t a still from the newest X-Men movie, it’s the handiwork of a man who hopes to slice a record number of veggies using only a handful of everyday playing cards.
Study Shows Siri May Not Be As Smart As It Thinks It Is
Apple’s Siri app turned a lot of heads and ears when the iPhone 4S first hit the shelves. The voice controlled app looked and sounded like something from an Arthur C. Clarke novel.
However, it may not bring us any closer to having a real HAL 9000 computer (and considering what happened in ’2001: A Space Odyssey,’ maybe we should be thankful for that).
13 Signs Facebook Is Following You a Bit Too Closely
Social technology, like Facebook, might be a great way for people to keep in touch, but it can also just as easily become a massive hindrance.
Jimmy Fallon and Justin Bieber Get Into an ‘Awesome-Off’ to See Who’s Awesomer
Since the dawn of Hollywood, celebrities have developed long standing, intense rivalries that raged until their dying days. Now we have a new one, and it’s awesome.
20 Awesome Names for ‘Chuck Norris: The Movie’
Chuck Norris is many things: a kickboxer, a martial arts master, a conservative pundit, an author, a beard wrangler, a face puncher, a small town sheriff and (above all else) a lover.
13 Signs Your Office Is Way Too Dirty
We all spend way too much time in an office, whether it’s a cubicle in a large multinational corporation or a little desk we’ve set up in a living room in our homes.
13 Completely Outrageous Ways to Quit Your Job
Unemployment might be high, but confidence is returning to the job market in ways other than companies that are willing to spend extra money for extravagances like working bathrooms and pencils.
Amazing 12-Year-Old Skateboarder Nails World’s First 1080 Spin
Videos of kid athletes achieving new heights and breaking tough records always give us a welcome kick in the head. That’s because we know they are too young for human growth hormones and they have their whole life ahead of them to risk their talent and honor for money and fame.
“Half Pint” skateboarder Tom Schaar accomplished just such a feat — he completed a 1080-degree spin on his own private me
10 Clues You’re About to Be Fired
Times are tough and big business types are looking for excuses to reduce their workforce to preserve their ridiculous salaries, unnecessary bonuses and pure ivory staplers that only work with staples made of gold.
If you fit one of the following signs, it might be time to get your resume in order and feather dust your neglected LinkedIn page.
10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Leprechauns
Few icons from folklore and mythology have been branded and co-opted more than the leprechaun. Stories of their rare appearances and coveted pot of gold have permeated almost every aspect of popular culture. They have become so synonymous with Irish culture that the streets are filled with tall green hats and green coats every St. Patrick’s Day. Their history, however, is far different from the tr
British Woman Gets Paid $40K a Year To Do What?
There is a woman in the United Kingdom who makes her living by making it with herself. We mean, of course, that she’s a sex toy tester.
10 Signs You Are Too Excited About St. Patrick’s Day
There are few holidays that create more excitement and festiveness than St. Patrick’s Day. All over the country, people crowd the local pub in green clothes where they guzzle a ton of green beer, only to puke it back out in a green mess and wake up the next day in a green haze.
Of course, just like the crazy uncle in your family who thinks he’s Santa Claus in July, some people can take a good th