‘Back-to-School Saturday’ Is the Newest Shopping Holiday — Dollars and Sense
You know about shopping holidays like Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but how about Back-to-School Saturday?
Teen Vogue recently partnered with retailers and brands like Aeropostale, American Eagle, Cover Girl, Maybelline, Pantene and Staples to name August 11 as the first-ever national shopping day dedicated solely to buying school clothes and other supplies.
Social media will be heavily utilized, and even though school is just now letting out for most kids around the country, the hashtag #btss is already being used along with ads touting the catchphrase, “Get ready, get set, get shopping!”
Why was August 11 chosen? Teen Vogue says since most school-related buying is done over a two- or three-month period, the date was one that could easily be turned into a “galvanizing moment.”
It may seem silly to single out a day dedicated to back-to-school shopping, but retail analysts point out a theory called “shopping momentum” as one reason why such purchasing holidays work. In other words, the event and related promotions get you to visit the stores — and once you buy that first item, you’re likely to buy more.