Ever since I was little, The Wolfe family did "picnics". No basket in the park or anything but the concept of gathering the best cheeses, meats, bread and condiments was ALWAYS something we could all agree made a fantastic family meal.

It also transformed an incredibly picky eater (me as a kid) into a reasonably well versed eater of stuff I couldn't properly pronounce.

To this day, there isn't a bread or cheese I don't like.

Adventurous or not, I thought I'd compile a can't-go-wrong list of items to grab for your next indoor gourmet picnic.

If you haven't EVER done this...do it. If it's been a while, Fall is one of the best times of year to do it in my opinion.

If you enjoy sharing a bottle of wine, the change of seasons sets the perfect stage to reconnect with friends or family.

BREAD -  To each his or her own but I personally enjoy the following (any will do):

  • Sourdough Baguette
  • Pain de Campagne
  • Ficelle

This list of the best french breads is a great resource if you're not already a bread snob. (I would bet you will be soon as there is NOTHING better than a fresh loaf of crusty, rustic french bread.) My new favorite is one made locally here in Bozeman by the Co-Op. You can purchase it at the store on West Main Street or from many stores around town like All Things Italian.

CHEESE - Perhaps the most important (and often most expensive) portion of the gourmet picnic, but worth every penny. I don't trust anyone who doesn't enjoy good cheese. But there's no right or wrong choice....it's all about whatever the hell kind of cheese you like. My picks:

  • Brie De Meaux
  • Lightly salted fresh Mozzarella
  • Rocchetta (combo of cow, sheep and goat milk)

This quick guide to cheese is a good place to start since you can find out what all the fancy kinds are BEFORE you shop. But don't be afraid to just try something because it looks good. (How many times have people picked a wine because they liked the label?) Buying cheese locally is super easy. We've got SEVERAL local places that carry a wide variety. I personally like Rosauers Grocery and Joes' Parkway Market up by campus.



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