COVID-19 Tips for Bozeman: BOH to Decide on Closures
The Board of Health will decide this week if the emergency rule closures will be continued or lifted in some manner. You can share your thoughts with the Gallatin County Board of Health.
Terry Cunningham, City Commissioner with the City of Bozeman, is back with more straight info and helpful information pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic and how it affects our area.
Daily Update / Tip: The Gallatin City-County Board of Heath (BOH) will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, April 23rd at the Gallatin County Courthouse at 7:00am. The Board will review proposed revisions of the emergency rule – including business closures - that was created on March 18th and subsequently extended to April 24th, including whether the emergency rule should be extended. There are a variety of ways to let the BOH know your thoughts on the subject, including sending an email to: BOHPublicComment@gallatin.mt.gov
FAQ: Q: Who is on the Gallatin City-County Board of Health? A: The Board is comprised of nine members serving staggered three-year terms, as follows: a County Commissioner or representative, a City Commissioner or representative, three members appointed by the County Commission, three members appointed by the City Commission, and one member appointed jointly by the City and County Commissions.
Pulling Together: Fork & Spoon, Bozeman’s pay-as-you-can restaurant finds itself in a positon where they cannot bring in the normal flow of volunteers to help prepare, serve and clean up after meals. Without their reliable volunteers, Fork & Spoon’s staff have been working extra hours to perform these functions. Some local restaurants, including Urban Kitchen, Rosa’s Pizza and Sweet Chili Asian Bistro, have donated meals to feed the Fork & Spoon clientele. Thank you, Bozeman!
What Can I Do? Help protect those whose jobs require them to come into close contact with the public. If you’re shopping at a local grocery store or mass-merchandise store, please wear a mask, be considerate of the space of store employees, and try to go to the store alone, as opposed to bring the whole family with you. Employers are trying to protect their employees by posting prominent signs saying, “All shoppers must wear a mask,” marking off 6-foot spaces in check-out lines, and installing protective shields for cashiers. Please offer these essential workers the respect they deserve by honoring these safety measures.
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