Football season is upon us! The Bobcats kick off their season with a road game against Texas Tech on Saturday, August 31.

You may noticed the games being called slightly different this year, and that's because there's a new broadcast team in the booth.

Jason Alvine is the all new "Voice of the Bobcats." He will handle play-by-play for MSU's 2019 football season. Jason has been with Montana State for quite some time. He is the voice of MSU Women's Basketball, and was previously the color analyst for MSU Football.

MSU Senior Associate Athletics Director Dan Davies will return as sideline reporter in 2019. It will be his 32nd season on MSU football broadcasts.

New to the Bobcat broadcast team is Zach Mackey. He will be in the both alongside Alvine assuming the role of color analyst.

We wanted to help you get to know Jason and Zach, and recently asked them a few questions about what led them to Montana State University, and what aspects of the job they look forward to the most.

Watch the video below:

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