November 2019: 135 Sexual or Violent Offenders in Bozeman
You probably have a sexual or violent offender in your neighborhood and you have a right by law to search current locations of these offenders.
To be clear, the Montana Sexual or Violent Offenders Search tool:
Created by the Montana Department of Justice in 1989, the Sexual or Violent Offender Registry is a valuable resource for Montanans to protect their families against sexual or violent offenders.
You can search the SVOR by:
- Name
- City
- Type of offender
- County
- Zip Code
- The information in this Registry is basic safety information intended to assist you and your family in avoiding situations that allow easy access to victims.
- Sexual and violent offenders reside in Montana and in every other state.
- Families need to follow basic safety measures regardless of whether an offender moves in to or out of your neighborhood.
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