‘One Book At A Time’ Book Drive Happening Throughout the Month of August
Greater Gallatin United Way and First Interstate Bank are teaming up again this year to enhance children’s literacy, 'One Book At A Time'. They are asking members of the community to donate new and gently used books for local school-age children (pre-K - 12). Books will be collected at any First Interstate Bank throughout the month of August.
The collected books are distributed throughout the year at a variety of events, including the Livingston Roundup Parade, Belgrade’s Fall Festival, School Library’s Summer Reading Program, and Early Childhood Community Council’s Child Development Days. Books are also distributed in kidsLINK Afterschool and through GGUW partner programs, including Gallatin City-County Health Department Maternal Child Health Program, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Thrive Home Visiting Program, Child Care Connections Provider Training and Education Programs, and YMCA Children's Summer Programs and Teen Parents.
The heart of the initiative is to help children be successful scholastically by encouraging them to read more. Ultimately, successful students grow to be successful in their community.
Collections sites for the One Book At A Time Book Drive include all First Interstate Bank branches and Greater Gallatin United Way. Specific site locations are as follows:
- FIB, 7001 Jackrabbit Lane, Suite H, Belgrade
- FIB, 2800 W Main, Bozeman
- FIB, 268 Strand Union Bldg., Bozeman
- FIB, 202 W Main, Bozeman
- FIB, 2023 Burke St, Bozeman
- FIB, 207 W Callender, Livingston
- Greater Gallatin United Way, 945 Technology Blvd., #101F, Bozeman
Visit Greater Gallatin United Way’s Facebook page to get the latest updates on the book collection.