Summer Is Almost Here, Let The Backyard Games Begin
After the weekend we just had here in Bozeman, I am thinking summer! I'm smelling the Bar-Be-Que, tasting the beer, and making some serious moves in my flip flops. Who else likes to get a little competitive in the backyard this time of year?
I love sports. And I'm very competitive. This might be a combo that will make some think twice before inviting me back to their B-B-Q (I've noticed a lot of people don't care about whether they win in bocci ball or Ladder Golf...weird). To me, such games are still classified as a sport. I enjoy winning, and when playing a sport you need athletic ability, hustle and heart to do that. It's a backyard sport so I'm gonna do this with a beer in my hand, but best believe I will sweat or bleed if necessary. O.K., well now I definitely don't expect many party invites this summer but even if you don't care as much about winning them, what are some of your favorite backyard games?