At the start of summer I told you about the new Missoula business that makes floating easy by providing tubes, drop off, and pick up, and we've been seeing floaters utilizing their services all summer. Now there's another option for drop off and pick up on the river.

The University of Montana's public transit system, UDASH, has announced a river recreation shuttle. All you do is park your car in Lot P on campus and pick your parking permit up from the bus driver. You may bring inflatable devices, although anything larger than a single tube needs to be deflated for transport. And the service isn't just for students, it's open to the general public! Per federal mandate, masks are still required for all bus trips, they ask that you please bring your own. Find the days and times it runs, along with a map here.

You'd think that the unhealthy air quality would deter floaters but no, this is Missoula, we must float. In fact, there are some organized floats coming up, including Float to the Ballpark with the Missoula PaddleHeads and the 2021 Glow Float. Get more info on both here.

Remember: PACK IT IN PACK IT OUT, clean up after yourself, and for the love of all that is holy, do not bring glass bottles or anything else glass on the water. If you do, you can bet you'll be confronted by others in the water. I've seen people getting called out for littering, as well. There have been more than a few posts in my scroll with photos of jerks who left all of their litter on the beach, and these aren't rowdy frat boys, it's actually families who just DGAF, which sucks.

Goosebumps and other bodily reactions, explained

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