You Pay Them: Do You Know Your Local Taxes?
We pay them every year, but do you really know what you're paying for?
Taxes - You pay state taxes, county taxes, and then if you live in Bozeman you pay the city taxes too.
Learn the local taxes you are currently paying as a homeowner at the "Know Your Bozeman Taxes Educational Panel" on Tuesday from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the Masonic Temple in downtown Bozeman at 14 South Tracy.
The panel will consist of members from the city of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Bozeman Public Schools, public affairs and from the Montana Taxpayer's Association.
This panel will go over current taxes that you are paying for, future taxes that may be approved and how the many local tax issues that are impacting our market.
This is a free event and questions are encouraged.
More information here.