2017 Bozeman Fall Leaf Pick Up is Here [Dates and Street Schedule]
It's free leaf pick up season. Whether you live downtown or the surrounding area, the Bozeman Fall Cleanup is all about LEAVES and nothing else. No sticks, no garden waste, just leaves.
Now, it's a race against Mother Nature to get the leaves picked up before significant snowfall stops the pick up schedule.
Here are the basics:
Bozeman is one of the few remaining municipalities that still pick up leaves in both the city core and subdivisions.
This community service not only assists our residents tidying up their lawns for winter, but by keeping leaves out of our storm water system, our infrastructure, and urban waterways stay clean and clear.
- The City of Bozeman Streets Division will begin collecting leaves in the downtown core area on October 23, 2017.
- For a full schedule broken down by street, click here.
- Collection for subdivisions will begin on October 26, 2017.
- For a full subdivision pick up schedule, click here.
Pick up instructions for the core area are simple:
- Mind the parking restrictions and DO NOT park on your street during pick up days. (YOU WILL GET A TICKET).
- Rake your leaves only (no sticks or yard waste) into the gutter the day before your scheduled pick up day.
- For Bozeman residents in subdivisions, bag your leaves in paper, decomposing yard waste bags (available at most local hardware stores) and leave the bags in your boulevard before your scheduled pick up day.
- Miss your pick up day? Not to worry. A compost truck will be available from 10am to 2pm on three consecutive Saturdays, October 28th, November 4th, and November 18th to accept the leaves at the City Shop Complex at 814 N. Bozeman Ave.