Want to hear a convincing argument on the existence of Bigfoot? You'll get one Wednesday night based out of Bozeman, Montana...Joel Carlson is your guy.

This will be a safe, Zoom presentation so don't worry about having to gather in a group to participate and hear the details that Joel Carlson will be sharing.

Here's the "lowdown" on the Lore of Bigfoot:

  • WHAT: The Lore of Bigfoot (an online event)
  • WHEN: Wednesday, November 18th, 2020
  • TIME: 7pm to 8pm
  • Hosted by the Bozeman Public Library (but this is an online event, NOT an event happening at the library)
  • "Local cryptid enthusiast Joel Carlson shares a convincing argument for the existence of a bipedal ape species."
  • A cryptid is a term used to describe an animal species that isn't 100% proven to exist.

As we've discussed here before, Apparently Montanans See Bigfoot a Lot. Per capita, we've got one of the highest sighting rates in the country.

There is actually a Bigfoot Field Research Society, which was founded in 1995. They can be a good research tool for you if you'd like to do some reading before Wednesday's Zoom presentation.

Speaking of the Bozeman Public Library - Please note that the BPL building will be closed to the public for at least the remainder of 2020. This is due to the increase in COVID-19 cases in Gallatin County. Hopefully, the building will be able to reopen the first week of 2021...but that's entirely based on how things go between now and then.

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