Bozeman Farmer’s Market Continues Every Tuesday
Tuesday nights at Lindley Park are home to the Bozeman Farmer's Market, from 5pm to 8pm every week. The 2020 season will continue through September 8th.
- WHAT: Bozeman Farmer's Market 2020
- WHERE: Lindley Park, downtown Bozeman (900 Main Street)
- WHEN: Tuesday nights from 5pm to 8pm, through Tuesday, September 8th, 2020
- There will be food and drinks for sale along with some live music every week.
- Vendors, local farmers, artisans, locally made products, etc
- There will be Bozeman Farmers Market gear (t-shirts, etc.) available for purchase at the Market.
- COVID-19 Details: There ARE guidelines for the Bozeman Farmer's Market regarding COVID-19.
- Social distancing in the Market area is requested.
- Please don't congregate.
- Wait your turn at booths.
- Use the offered hand-sanitizer often.
- Try and limit touching items that you are not buying.
- Vendors and volunteers will all be wearing masks
organic farm
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