BZN Runners: Big Races in Big Sky Country Coming in 2021
Whether you've been running for years or spent quarantine training as a newborn athlete, 2021 has a ton of races in the Bozeman area for runners to conquer.
If you're interested in area races (including races out of state but reasonably close), the folks at the Bozeman Running Company are a great resource. (They didn't pay me to say that...I just like them a lot.) That crew is incredibly helpful with running shoes, gear and information.
Sunday, June 6th, 2021: Copper City Trail Runs - Three Forks, MT: 15K and 30K races. Likely with wave starts. Registration cost is $52 for the 15K and $65 for the 30K race. A custom printed race shirt is included with your registration. Register for either race at the link above.
June 26th and 27th, 2021: Teton Mountain Runs - Cody Peak 50K | Cirque 30K | Wild 15K: Races at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. Registration fees are $105, $85 and $55 respectively. Please note: these are cupless races. See details and register at the link above.
Saturday, July 3rd, 2021: Bangtail Divide 38K - Stone Creek to Brackett Creek: Registration cost is $70. Race start is at 6:30am. All participants will be required to use the shuttle as their is no participant parking at the race start. Register for this race at the link above.
Saturday, July 17th, 2021: Cross Cut 15K and 25K at Bridger Bowl: More spaces may be added but currently there is a 250 participant limit. The 15K race entry fee is $55 and the 25K race entry fee is $65. A BBQ lunch and race shirt are included with your registration. Race starts and ends at the Jim Bridger Lodge. No shuttle for this race but carpooling is encouraged to Bridger Bowl. Register for this race at the link above.