Fall In Montana – Cool Stuff To Do
It seems that Fall began in earnest in just a few hours this week. Walk in side for a bit, then walk back out to leaves all over the ground. Montana is BEAUTIFUL in the Fall, but it doesn't last long. Here are some cool ideas to see it before it instantly turns into Winter.
Did you know there is a "Fall Foliage Hotline"? Well, there is. And although Montana doesn't experience quite as much as some states on the East Coast, we DO get some pretty incredible leaf changes. The USFS website is full of information and you can call the Fall Colors Hotline at: 1-800-345-4595.
Visit a ghost town for Halloween! Bannack State Park is a little creepy to begin with, but visit during the season of the witch and you'll REALLY understand. There are Bannack Ghost Tours for you: two shows nightly at the end of October, the first at 7:00pm and the second at 9:00pm
Take a walking tour in Helena, MT with the Holter Museum. The history is rich and this Fall, you can learn about the importance of the "Sixth Ward to the railroads in Montana and Helena’s history" and about plans for its revitalization. Join Historian Ellen Baumler of the Montana Historical Society for a spirited walking tour — weather permitting. Call 406-442-6400 for details.
Go camping...all year long! Most Montanans I know don't need anything like a KOA to enjoy the outdoors. However, sometimes it's nice to have one reasonably near by for their amenities and most of them are open year round. Montana KOA campgrounds. Check out their KOA deals to make your trip even more economical.
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