If you're ever bored, check the lost & found section on Craigslist. You never know what you'll come across.

If you recently lost your pet goose, Colton found it running down Willson. According to Colton, he could tell it was a sweet bird.

Here's the post from Craigslist:


Found domesticated goose (Bozeman)

Picked up a goose running down Willson. Unsure if if it's a male or female but the wings are clipped so it can't fly. We will be keeping he/she in our garage and backyard until the owners are found. It has mallard markings, and can tell it is a sweet bird just a little scared.

If you are the owner of a domesticated goose, and it happens to be missing, CLICK HERE to see the entire post on Craigslist.

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