When I think of fall, I think of pumpkin spice, cider-scented candles, changing foliage and new autumnal wardrobe staples. You can always dig out the same old sweaters, but why not treat yourself to some new duds this season?
I can’t imagine a motivation strong enough for me to spend $10 to attach a clump of hair to the top of my head and go out in public thinking I’m really cool.
I don't know which is worse - the fact that I know and love both of the people caught on camera or that the dude is wearing socks. This Croc thing has got to be addressed.
Fashion brand Shoes of Prey used its customizable design website to style some superhero-inspired heels and flats as examples of footwear that customers can tweak and purchase for themselves with the Shoes of Prey 3D Designer, which gives the wearer selection of colors, materials, and alter various detailing parameters such as heel height, toe and heel detailing.. Each pair of shoes is handmade to
Bozeman is chalk full of young inspired entrepreneurs who are starting up small business’s even in this floundering economy. One of my good friends Walker Howard, a graduate of the graphic design program at MSU and amazing artist, recently partnered with another friend, Vesa White to found DubVTees, a printing and textile design company. DubVTees mainly operates printing shirts, but has recently
I woke up today with a nice and balmy weather condition of -13f. Like a lot of Bozeman residents, I keep my house on the cooler side of 62f to be eco friendly and coexist with my tree hugging, slacklining, Jack Johnson loving and Birkenstock/Chaco wearing hippie friends.