How often do you prepare and eat meals with your older relatives? Most people answer that question with "not often enough" even when those relatives are in the same town. Me? I eat with my Dad all the time. Probably too often, but that's a different story.

Meals on Wheels and area seniors will benefit when families take the Sunday Dinner Pledge and commit to scheduling regular dinners with older loved ones.

The pledge is part of a program aimed at boosting the overall health and well-being of area seniors. For each pledge taken, the Home Instead Senior Care Foundation will donate $1 to Meals on Wheels, up to $20,000.

Ruth Ann Marchi from the Bozeman area is on a mission to see more families share sit-down Sunday dinners with their senior loved ones. The reason? New research shows that 50 percent of surveyed families living near senior relatives feel they do not share enough meals with older loved ones, losing an important family connection.

For more information visit or call your local Home Instead Senior Care at 406-922-5060.

Michelle Wolfe and her Dad
Michelle Wolfe and her Dad


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