COVID-19 Tips for Bozeman: Relax, Reset, Recharge This Weekend
Schooling stress. Social media bickering. Rainbow crosswalks. Dr. Pepper shortage. Whatever it is that's keeping you up at night, try to let it go. At least for a weekend.
Stress and depression have never been so prevalent in every aspect of our lives. There's stress at work: either workplace safety or just staying employed. There's stress at home: keeping your family healthy, your home clean, your relationships clear of drama or deciding how the hell you're going to educate your children this Fall.
It's a lot. And quite frankly, it's not going away anytime soon. But I BEG of you...take this weekend to breathe. Physically and mentally. Take your days slowly and with positive purpose.
I'm not a super deep, always emotionally balanced soul but I HAVE gone back to the very basics...and it seems to be helping. A little, anyway.
Local social media has been an embarrassing, confrontational, inappropriate mess in recent weeks in my opinion. Grown adults are spending countless hours calling each other names. (Let's get back to tacos, sunsets and cat videos, eh?) I swear if I didn't need to use it for work I'd check out of that train wreck for good.
Block. Beautify. Breathe. Do whatever you can to take care of your mind and body. Stress, anger and simple annoyance are absolutely toxic...and the effects can creep up on you.
Call an old friend. Write an actual letter. Give yourself a crazy manicure. Plant some herb seeds. (Who cares if it's way late in the season. That stuff is therapeutic.) Bring your neighbor a six pack. Bring some food to the food bank.
Anything positive is OK. Stay away from the garbage. Be it people or rhetoric. YOU first this weekend. I wish you all the best. -Michelle
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