Emigrant Fire Update 7/31 From National Forest Service
Here are the latest details on the fire that was sparked a week and a half ago by lightning and know as the Emigrant Fire from the National Forest Service:
FIRE NAME: Emigrant Fire
DATE OF DETECTION: July 21, 2013
CAUSE: Lightning
CURRENT SIZE: approximately 611 acres
LOCATION: South of Emigrant Peak, between Gold Prize Creek and North Fork Sixmile Creek
AGENCY: Gallatin National Forest
PERSONNEL AND RESOURCES ON THE FIRE 1 helicopters, 4 engines, 1 - 15 person hand crew and overhead for a total of 45 personnel.
WEDNESDAY’S ACTIVITY: A transfer of command occurred today back to the local Gallatin National Forest unit which is still managing the fire as a Type 3 organization. A recon flight was flown to assess current fire potential. Aerial observations found the fire to be backing into good natural barriers with no significant fire activity to report.
THURSDAY’S PLANNED ACTIVITY: The Daily Lake ICP (Incident Command Post) will be demobed and the ICP will be relocated to the Livingston Ranger District office. Fire activity will continue to be monitored, looking for any increased fire activity.
FIRE WEATHER: Partly cloudy conditions were noted today over the fire area. Temperatures were 70-75 degrees, and the humidity will be 35-40%. Some gusty winds developed late afternoon.
CLOSURES & OTHER INFORMATION: Dailey Lake and most surrounding camping areas are open to recreationists through the weekend. Emigrant Fire Incident Command Post is located on a bench approximately ¼ mile north of the lake and that area is the only portion closed to the public at Dailey Lake Recreation area. Please be cautious of fire traffic on Dailey Lake Road.
The Forest Service portion of Sixmile Creek Road from its junction with the Dailey Lake Road will be closed until further notice.
The Sixmile Creek Trial (#61) and North Fork of Sixmile Creek Trail (#606) will be closed to their junction with Trail #601 north of Monitor Peak. Connector Trail #601 will remain open.
A Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) is in place over the fire area to ensure the safety of the aerial fire operations.
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