NorthWestern Energy MIGHT Be a Great Source of Solar Eclipse Pictures and Video. Why?
Most of the country will take at least a few minutes on Monday August 21st to catch the total solar eclipse. In person or online. NorthWestern Energy just might end up one of the best sources of pictures and video of the event. But why?
NorthWestern Energy doesn't just serve Montana. They have customers in several states which means they ALSO have major service locations in several states.
Parts of Nebraska are in the "Path of Totality", including properties owned by NorthWestern Energy.
According to a recent Press Release:
The solar eclipse on Monday, August 21, 2017, will bring varying levels of darkness to much of NorthWestern Energy’s service territory in Montana, South Dakota and Nebraska.
In Nebraska, our Grand Island and Kearney natural-gas service locations are in the path of totality and will likely experience several minutes of darkness at the peak of the eclipse.
Communities we serve in Montana and South Dakota are expected to experience lesser levels of darkness due to this natural event.
In addition:
We plan to post eclipse photos and videos on our social media channels. Keep up with NorthWestern Energy news on Facebook and on Twitter (@Northwestern_MT).
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