Region 3 Citizens’ Advisory Committee To Meet Thursday, June 6
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks' Region 3 Citizens' Advisory Committee meets quarterly to provide input and guidance on the many natural resource and management issues addressed by FWP in southwest Montana. The CAC will meet in Bozeman this Thursday and the public is welcome to attend:
Montana FWP Region 3 Citizens' Advisory Committee will meet in Bozeman on Thursday, June 6 at the FWP Regional Office (1400 S. 19th Ave) from 12:30 - 5:30 pm. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend. The agenda attached here includes a question and answer session with FWP's Director Jeff Hagener, feedback from the CAC on FWP's image, and an explanation of wolf season proposals among other items.
For more information about the Region 3 Citizens' Advisory Committee, visit