Idaho Fire Update – Lucky Peak and Woodland Fire
A fire started in Lucky Peak early this morning. Thank goodness it is a pretty small fire in the grand scheme of things and crews have been able to keep it contained and for the most part under control. There is no word yet on HOW the fire started although and investigation will take place to find out as no one wants to see our beloved Lucky Peak burn. It is called the Nursery fire because it seems to have started near the nursery where they plant seedlings to become little trees to be planted elsewhere. Most likely there is not much of the nursery left unfortunately. Crews have been able to keep it under control with the use of a helicopter to douse the area. It is expecting to be at full containment by tonight.

The other Idaho fire is not contained and is causing more evacuations. The Woodland Fire in Western Idaho has grown to nearly 80,000 acres near Cambridge. Full evacuations in Adams County are underway for residents above Upper Dale, including Paradise Flat, North Hornet, and West Mill Creek in Adams County. Containment estimation is at 38 percent with a hope to have the fire fully out by October 7th, exactly a month after it started. There are almost 300 people working to contain the flames but the brush and tall dry grass is so built up that its burning up quicker than crews can fight it.
Please keep all fire crews in your thoughts and be extra extra careful with anything that could spark or ignite.
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