What was once a sun-drenched, private corner cat sanctuary table with a plush cat bed on top of an elevated table...is now completely covered by various flower and vegetable seedlings. Every square inch of that gorgeous, bright corner of the room is packed with plastic trays.

Many of us who like to garden don't have a fancy set up or a grow room. It's about as basic as it gets. A big, sunny window is really all you need. Unfortunately for the cat, that prime living room real estate is no longer his for the next couple of months.

Michelle wolfe
Michelle Wolfe

One of my faults when starting seeds is that my brain feels the need to plant an entire tray of the same thing. That works fine for flowers which I'll certainly end up using them, but most casual gardeners like myself don't need 15 plants of the same tomato, pepper or basil. That makes for A LOT of trays to maintain.

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Instant gifts! If you suffer the same 'over starting' that I do, roll with it and when they get big enough that you know they're good to go...bring extras to the office or bring some to your neighbors.

Basil starts - Michelle Wolfe
Basil starts - Michelle Wolfe

As you can tell, sunny spots on the floor are valuable real estate too. Judging from all sorts of social media posts in the area, there are plenty of jam-packed living rooms, sunny corners and window ledges right now.

Tomato in pot - Michelle Wolfe
Tomato in pot - Michelle Wolfe

With all this said, if you or someone you know would like to get into gardening, I'd be happy to help. I'm no Master Gardener or anything but I DO have DOZENS of extra packets of seeds, both flowers and vegetables. There's a lot you can grow around here in just a few simple pots. Keep it simple and enjoy the fruits of your labor!

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