Quarantine Pro Tip: Pour a Cocktail, Play Old Picture Tag with College Friends
My college friends and I have been brutal this week. Flannel, denim, scrunchies, all of it. You can almost smell the CK One through the text messages as we're playing picture tag.
Seriously. It's way better with cocktails in my opinion, but it's still fun if you don't drink.
Come to think of it, you might be better off if you can think 100% straight and remember where you stashed the best old pictures.
I have no idea where this picture was taken but it definitely was taken in Bozeman. Also, no clue about the tiara. I'm not really a tiara girl. For any reason.
Several pictures flew back and forth yesterday and today I'm going to crank it up a notch. These girls aren't gonna know what hit 'em.