Sunday Brunch- 7.15.12- Sit in Sunday Brunch with Conrad Anker
So great to have Conrad in the studio this morning for our "Sit in Sunday Brunch." He is Bozemans own Bad Ass as coined by writer, Terry Cunningham. We talked the gamut of all things Anker. From Wind energy to the Mayo Clinics Cardio Pulmonary Research, Summiting Everest to 4th and 5th Grade Science Curriculum Outreach, MSU's Earth Sciences and Architecture and Khumbu Climbing Center, The Bozeman Fortress Ice Tower training facility/music venue, favorite music tracks, favorite trails and how fortunate we are to live where we do. As public personalities go, he is also one the kindest, nicest humans I know. Always fun to have you in the studio, Conrad. If you would like to follow all things Conrad Anker, you can do so at the following:: www.conradanker.com facebook- Conrad Anker Instagram- conradclimber ngm.nationalgeographic.com/everest neverstopexploring.com The North Face Athlete Team Captain See you next Sunday 9am-noon www.mooseradio.com Make it a great week! And as Conrad says, Be Good, Be Kind, Be Happy. L.
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