Spring is a great time to spend with kids learning the basics of gardening. There are several easy-to-grow options that you can start inside for almost instant results. The more results kids see, the more interested they become.

Since many kids aren't huge vegetable fans, getting them excited about growing cucumbers or spinach can be difficult. Why plant something they won't like? Perhaps forget about vegetables altogether (with the kids, anyway).


Starting flowers and herbs can be easy AND they deliver nearly instant gratification. The approach with herbs could be "let's grow some basil so we can make yummy pasta sauce for spaghetti." The basil itself might not seem terribly interesting or meaningful, so make the association to a meal that they like.

Above all others, sunflowers of almost any variety are my favorite to plant with kids. The seeds are big and easy for them to handle. Sunflowers germinate quite easily and can be grown indoors for several weeks in my experience. They don't require special lights or attention, just a decent sunny window. (The same applies to basil, by the way.)

If you don't want (or don't have the outdoor space) to grow traditional, tall sunflowers there are many small options such as "Teddy Bear" sunflowers. They are just as easy to grow and look gorgeous in containers.

Happy planting!

Sunflowers are easy for kids to grow
Sunflowers are easy for kids to grow


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