Montana State

Montana State University Student Reviews
Montana State University Student Reviews
Montana State University Student Reviews
MSU students generally dig the place. But when asked "What is the WORST thing about Montanan State", they don't hesitate to be honest. Frankly, most of them aren't wrong but they're also not ginormous issues.
Found My Old Mixtapes. I Win the Day
Found My Old Mixtapes. I Win the Day
Found My Old Mixtapes. I Win the Day
Mixtapes. Big fan. And I'll brag - we made KICK ASS mixtapes back in the day. I always took them very seriously for whomever I was creating. The tape quality, the artwork (if necessary) and of course the songs.
One of the Funkiest Houses in Bozeman is For Sale
One of the Funkiest Houses in Bozeman is For Sale
One of the Funkiest Houses in Bozeman is For Sale
I've driven by this mid-century modern piece of art literally thousands of times. Do you have any idea how COOL this house and property are? I don't care about the price. It's an absolute Bozeman-designed masterpiece.

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