I think Bozeman needs to lighten up. But as a longtime Bozeman resident, decent citizen, frustrated taxpayer, and a proud Montana State alum, I can see both sides of this issue that I never gave a sneeze about in years past.
When is the first day of school for Montana State University? It'll be here before you know it. U-hauls, campus traffic and MSU football will soon fill the town of Bozeman.
There might be some real gems to be found this Thursday and Friday at Montana State University Billings. They're calling it the biggest garage sale they've ever had.
One of Montana State's biggest events is this week, April 7th through the 10th: the MSU Spring Rodeo and we've got all the details to make your experience the best it can be.
Having just come off the National Championship Game over the weekend, MSU Football wasn't finished with making headlines. On Sunday Sean Chambers committed to MSU.
MSU students generally dig the place. But when asked "What is the WORST thing about Montanan State", they don't hesitate to be honest. Frankly, most of them aren't wrong but they're also not ginormous issues.
Montana State University is back in session and it's always fun to see what classes are now being offered that either weren't around when I was in college or just were not on my radar.
I'm not sure how old this inside joke is, but it was around when I attended Montana State in the 90s...and apparently it has evolved over the years into an online landmark on Google Maps. Hilarious.
Mixtapes. Big fan. And I'll brag - we made KICK ASS mixtapes back in the day. I always took them very seriously for whomever I was creating. The tape quality, the artwork (if necessary) and of course the songs.