What I’ve Got Left in the Bozeman Summer Garden [PHOTOS]
As I've discussed many times, gardening is therapy for me. With no training, classes or skill my only desire each day is to come home and look at my flowers. Whatever is blooming and it doesn't matter what kind.
This summer has been most excellent in Bozeman for many reasons but for me personally it has been a season of reasonably successful gardening with very little time. I'm a trial and error kind of girl and instructions are for those who have too much time on their hands.
Get dirty. Plant what you like.
Some of it will work, some of it won't. You'll kill some things and you'll be a newly crowned expert at others. (Sunflowers have been my personal success this year, having never planted them before. Yes, I know a house cat could grow sunflowers, but I did it none the less.)
Now that September is here, some of the things that were planted from seed as early as March are JUST NOW starting to show their beauty such as these Cardinal Climbers. They were pretty on the package, so Kathleen and I bought some. Voila! Gorgeous blooms come to those who are patient.
Gladiolus were a favorite of my mother, but I've never bothered to try them myself. Until THIS year....in a pot no less. Patience paid off and they too are JUST NOW starting to produce their huge, dramatic awesomeness.
So have faith this fall and consider planting a garden full of bulbs for your springtime viewing pleasure. You'll want to blaze out of work and just stare at them too.