Which Holiday Favorites Make The Must-Have List For Montanans?
We're a week away from what is perhaps the most anticipated meal of the year.
Soon, Montana families and friends will gather around the table for food, family, and fun. Of course, everyone has certain Thanksgiving traditions; maybe it's football, or going to a movie after everyone has awoken from their turkey-induced nap.
Montanans revealed their favorite Thanksgiving foods, and for the most part, they're pretty traditional. So what do Montanans say is their favorite Thanksgiving food? We've got the list for you.

Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
Mashed potatoes and gravy is no doubt a classic Thanksgiving side dish and is very popular amongst Montanans, but so is gravy in general. In fact, Montanans listed a variety of different foods that included gravy.
Green Bean Casserole
We learned recently that green bean casserole is the most searched Thanksgiving dish on the internet by Montanans. So it's no surprise to find out that Montanans love themselves some green bean casserole for the Holidays.
Cranberry Sauce
Whether from a can or homemade, Montanans are fans of cranberry sauce. The tangy treat is a complimentary companion when it comes to poultry, which makes it a perfect partner for turkey.
Sweet Potatoes
There are several different ways you can prepare sweet potatoes; from sweet potato pie to casseroles, or just with roasted marshmallows, sweet potatoes are a definite must-have for a whole lot of Montanans.
For many, Thanksgiving dinner just isn't the same without rolls. It seems that while many Montanans enjoy homemade, overall, folks aren't picky and just want some sort of dinner roll to enjoy.
Holiday pies are a must-have and when you think of Thanksgiving, you think of both pumpkin and pecan pie. However, Montanans don't just limit themselves there. Several different varieties made the list when it comes to favorite Thanksgiving foods.
It's called different things, but the bottom line that is one of the most popular Thanksgiving foods for Montanas is stuffing/dressing. Several folks talked about how their Thanksgiving stuffing comes from a family recipe, and others are just fine with the stuff out of the box.
For those Montanans that couldn't choose just one favorite, they went with all of them; AKA, leftovers. Thanksgiving leftovers are one of the best parts of the whole Thanksgiving experience. Who doesn't love a turkey sandwich with a side of stuffing, green bean casserole, and some sweet potatoes the next day?
Here's hoping that you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving together and are able to spend quality time together, making lasting memories.
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