Beauty abounds in Bozeman gardens so far this year. Flowers are EVERYWHERE, bulbs are loving the heat and even vegetables are holding their own in our fickle early Summer.

We've gone from overnight lows around 34 degrees to 100 degree heat in the span of one week. Nothing terribly unusual for Gallatin County but it can be a big pain for those of us trying to grow things.

Bozeman Gardening
Michelle Wolfe

What a pleasant surprise it's been to see so much success! 2021 is a year we all need some natural beauty around us, and it seems to be emerging much more than I would have guessed.

We gathered some good shots of local gardening success. From spring blooming bulbs to delicate tomatoes, the Bozeman area is holding its own against Mother Nature's weather challenges.

Michelle Wolfe

My trick in recent years (since I'm no expert and I don't have huge amounts of time) is to container garden. At least for the most part. If the weather forecast is sketchy, the containers can spend the night or two in the garage until the 'all clear'. Less things die and I waste less money.

Michelle Wolfe
Michelle Wolfe

There are a couple of good Facebook groups for the Bozeman area you can look to for guidance. We've got a LOT of very knowledgeable folks in town who have nearly mastered the art of growing in Gallatin County.

A) Bozeman Gardeners Facebook Page - a diverse group of a few thousand people. Experts and newbies alike. Great group to search for questions that have probably been asked several hundred times but also a great place to share your successes or problem areas with pictures.

Bozeman Gardening success
Michelle Wolfe

B) Gallatin Gardeners Club - More expertise here AND this club does such fine work in Gallatin County. They raise money throughout the year for gardening projects and scholarships. A wealth of info and a cool group to follow.

CASHMAN'S NURSERY also has a nice page on their site for area gardening tips. That family knows the do's and don'ts of our fickle climate better than anyone. It's also a good site to follow for ideas to add to your own garden. More pollinators? Yes, please!

What Grows Well in a Bozeman Garden

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