Before you freak out about the single lane closures coming to Big Sky and HWY 191 right after Memorial Day, remember how BADLY the bridge decks need to be fixed. They're in dire need of repair, so MDT has begun work.

Gallatin Canyon Bridge Decks project map

Yes, there will be delays. Yes, there will be single lane closures. But hopefully these repairs will make Gallatin Canyon a bit safer for years to come. Here are some details from Big Sky Public Relations and the Montana Department of Transportation:

  • Construction for the project is anticipated to start on Tuesday, May 26, after Memorial Day weekend.
  • This work will occur from May through November.
  • Drivers can expect to see single-lane closures with traffic signals in place to stop and guide traffic.
  • The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is launching the Big Sky Bridge Decks project to improve three bridges in the area by repairing or replacing each deck and paving over the surface.
  • The three structures to be improved are located on Highway 191 and Big Sky
  • A bridge north of the turn to Big Sky, on Lone Mountain Trail near the intersection with Highway 191, and on Lone Mountain Trail near Little Coyote Road.

Decks have multiple layers and asphalt is only the surface-level portion.

Once a bridge experiences a pothole or crack, crews might fill the area with pavement as a quick repair to ensure the structure does not degrade further.

However, if damage has permeated the deck layers, a full repair or replacement of the deck is needed.

Gallatin Canyon - Gallatin River bridge

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